Never Again Rwanda organizes a bi-annual Peace Building Institute, which is aimed to examine and discuss how Rwanda as a post genocide society has dealt with legacies left by the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

Never Again Rwanda will host the Peace-building Institute from May 28th – June 14th 2014. Participants will discuss the question “What can Rwanda teach the world?” Through readings of a shared set of texts, site visits, lectures and group discussions, participants will explore themes of Genocide, Transitional justice, good governance and development .

Never Again Rwanda is looking for open-minded and motivated university students and young professionals from Rwanda to attend the Peace Building Institute (PBI) in order to learn about the complex issues that surround the peace building efforts in Rwanda. This PBI, Only Rwandan Participants are allowed to apply for the 2014 Peace Building Institute. Other youth from around the Globe can apply for the 2014-2015 Peace Building Institute starting in December 29th to 11 January 2015.

For more info visit: Peace Building institute,Kigali Rwanda